7 Must-Have Products Every Puppy Parent Needs

Life with a new puppy is quite an adventure! I remember when we first brought our Doodles home. The amount of unorganized chaos that ensued was certainly not expected! I wanted to share a list of must-have products that I discovered any new puppy parent could use to help get their home puppy-ready.

Protective puppy training pads

Potty training is an adventure. They nickname these “pee pads” for good reason! House training your pup takes patience. Let them outside when they wake up, after meals and playtime – regularly and frequently. If you have the space to put a crate inside an ex-pen, you can put a pad in the ex-pen so s/he never has to potty in the crate. You could also lay a pad where it’s acceptable for your pup to pee in a pinch, like near the door. These pads are also great to use under food and water bowls during puppy meal time and you may want to even keep a few in your car! Try to transition to grass as quickly as possible, unless you have a miniature breed and are ok with keeping pads in the home.

A comfortable dog carrier and crate

Your dog can appreciate a cozy bedroom of their own at every stage of their life. Crate training is important because it helps with potty training, provides peace of mind when leaving your puppy at home, and it can be a safe space for stressful or busy times at home. Even if your grown dog’s crate can be tucked away because they choose a different safe-space, their early crate training will make visits to the groomer or overnight veterinary care a breeze. Look for a sturdy crate that – for larger breeds – has a divider so it can grow with your puppy. Consider keeping one in the bedroom (for now, at least) and another one in or near the family room.

Engrossing chew toys

Puppies love to chew! Besides the boatloads of positive mental stimulation, chew toys are a must-have puppy product because they keep teeth and gums healthy and give your puppy an appropriate place to exercise his chew-time.To keep your pup busy, try a puppy-safe rugged toy, like those made by Kong and SodaPup, that can be filled with their favorite wet and/or dry dog food or other yummy treats like peanut butter, yogurt, or spray cheese. Make sure to check the list of ingredients to avoid corn, sugar, Xylitol, byproducts, and mystery meat.

Leashes for training and safety

Pick up a few leashes for both play and training with your new pup. Grab lightweight leashes that are 6 to 8 feet long and let your puppy drag it around, to get used to the feeling. I recommend small clips and no chains because they are heavy and uncomfortable, can frighten your pup, and can cause serious damage to precious puppy teeth. You should also avoid retractable leashes. Your pup can get suddenly jolted by the brake, zip out of control, get tangled in the legs and leashes of other dogs and dog walkers, or swerve unexpectedly into traffic. Retractable leashes take precious long seconds to reel in when your puppy is in danger, especially if you are in a panic, too! They are risky for other reasons too. Just don’t. Use a 15-foot long line instead, if you have the space to give more freedom.

Poop bags and bag holders for the daily “doo-ty”

Picking up poop is NO ONE’S favorite puppy chore, but it’s a habit you’ll want to establish right away, since you’ll need to do it whenever you’re out and about. You don’t want your yard filled with dog doo landmines, do you? And sometimes puppies find it appetizing, so don’t leave it there for a taste test, whether it’s their own or another dog’s. Besides, picking up after your pup is part of being a responsible pet parent. 

Pro tip: There are poop bag holders that make this part of dog parenting a lot easier. I like thedooloop. It’s a cool dog leash accessory that will carry the poop for you! It’s super affordable and definitely makes my cut for must-have pet products.

Food and water bowls for frustration-free meals

Don’t just grab a bowl you no longer use in the kitchen. Puppies are developing their motor skills and need sturdy food and water bowls that stay put and won’t be mistaken for chew toys.They aren’t being naughty, puppies are just curious! Use a heavier bowl or add a gripping mat under the bowls if your pup likes to shove their dinner around the room or enjoys sloshing water everywhere.  

Pro tip:  Put some of their meals in a puppy-size Kong (the pink and blue ones are softer rubber) and similar toys by WestPaw and SodaPup, to develop problem-solving skills and make the meal last longer. Working for food is preferred to free-feeding by most dogs (and other species), so it can be very fun and satisfying for your pup to meet that need.

Grooming supplies

Puppies are adorably messy! A puppy generally needs more clean-up than an adult dog, so plan on more than a single bath each month. Your grooming starter kit should include pet-safe wipes, pet shampoo, dedicated dog towels, coat-appropriate brush, comb, and nail clippers. You may want to invest in a sprayer and hose for your bathtub if you don’t already have one. Hop over here for my Top 5 Tips for At-Home Dog Grooming

Pro tip: Let your puppy get comfortable in the tub or laundry sink before starting the bath. Try a Licki-Mat, smeared with some delicious wet food, that sticks on the wall.

Enjoy life with your new puppy

Even if the essentials on my list here turn out not to be your, or your puppy’s, favorite, they’ll make your first days and weeks together so much easier and set you up for a lifetime of love and fun.

Did I miss any essentials you think a new puppy parent needs for the first year? Let me know!


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